Autumn Moon at Ishiyama -Eight Views of Omi-
This print is one of Hiroshige’s series, “Eight Views of Omi” and depicted Biwako lake in present Shiga. It is a beautiful autumn night scene with a full moon.

Autumn Moon on the Tama River -Eight Views of the Environs of Edo-
This beautiful print was originally created for a special order of a poem group and later published as a sale for the public. So everything is more elaborate and tasteful. A full moon of this work is even expressed with shiny silver leaf!

Night at Saruwakacho -One Hundred Famous Views of Edo-
This print is from Hiroshige’s late series of “One hundred Views of Famous Places of Edo”. The street scene of Saruwaka town which is famous for Kabuki theaters at night is depicted. Hiroshige used one-point perspective for this street view with shadows of full moon. A bright blue night with a full moon is impressive. It is said that Van Gogh was impressed by this work and drew his oil painting of “Cafe Terrace at Night”.
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The Monkey Bridge in Kai Province
"The Monkey Bridge in Kai Province" is a beautiful vertical diptych by Hiroshige. Hiroshige made a trip to Kofu in 1841. His account of this trip, entitled Kofu-ko-Nikki(Diary During a Trip to Kofu), still exists. This diary contains an article under the date of April 4th: "I hired a horse from Inume to Kami Torisawa, a distance of 3.2 miles. Dismissed the horse at Torihashi, and walked to the Saruhashi Bridge. All the way for the distance of 1.7 miles, the mountains of Kai Province flanked the road far and near; mountains were high and the gorge was deep; the stream of the River Katsura was Clear and beautiful. The fascinating sceneries, appearing one after anothe at every ten or twenty steps, were beyond description. My poor brush fails to depict them." The statement is accompanied by a sketch drawing of the Saruhashi.