
The Actor Sawamura Sojuro III as Oboshi Yuranosuke

This print of the actor Oboshi Yuranosuke belongs to a period when depictions of "large heads" (close-ups) were in vogue. Precise and detailed carving as well as an ingenious printing technique make this an outstanding piece. Note the chastened and charming countenance of the actor and the beauty of tension reproduced here.

The artist, Utagawa Toyokuni, was a pupil of Utagawa Toyoharu (1735-1814), paralleled in fame with his fellow student Toyohiro (1765or1774-1828). He was always alert to liking of the public, and was a man of ready adaptability. He often imitated, with almost excessive persistence, the styles of such senior artists as Kitao Shigemasa (1739-1820) and Torii Kiyonaga (1752-1815), and sought inspiration about color schemes from Kitagawa Utamaro (1754-1806). It might be said that his pliable attitude in art has caused his work to be under-estimated.


Sale price¥18,000

Frame & Mat

A: Print only

The print is placed on the paper mat. The internal window of the top of the mat is cut for the image size.

<For Yourself> <For Gifts>
Print for yourself Print for gift


B: Framed print

<Ukiyo-e Reproduction> The print is framed with the Adachi original ukiyo-e frame (400 × 555 mm).
<Contemporary Ukiyo-e> The print is framed.



C: Print + matboard

This is a set of a print and a matching matboard. The internal window of a matboard is cut for the image size. The external dimension is fixed for the Adachi original ukiyo-e frame.

Print with mat

Frame & Mat

A: Print only

The print is placed on the paper mat. The internal window of the top of the mat is cut for the image size.

<For Yourself> <For Gifts>
Print for yourself Print for gift


B: Framed print

<Ukiyo-e Reproduction> The print is framed with the Adachi original ukiyo-e frame (400 × 555 mm).
<Contemporary Ukiyo-e> The print is framed.



C: Print + matboard

This is a set of a print and a matching matboard. The internal window of a matboard is cut for the image size. The external dimension is fixed for the Adachi original ukiyo-e frame.

Print with mat
Size/WeightPrint Size: 37.2 × 25.5 cm
MaterialPaper: Echizen Kizuki Hosho Washi made by Living National Treasure, Ichibei Iwano
FeatureType of print: Woodcut Print
NotesThis product includes:
・An explanation of the work in English and Japanese
・A leaflet to introduce the production process of ukiyo-e print
Ukiyo-e for Gifts

Adachi's Philosophy and Mission

At Adachi Institute of Woodcut Prints, we create attractive works that are in keeping with the times while maintaining the basics of traditional woodcut printing techniques.

Adachi's Meticulous Quality and Materials

At Adachi Institute of Woodcut Prints, we use carefully selected materials and tools to bring out the original beauty of woodcut prints to the fullest.

Traditional Techniques and Adachi's Artisans

The production of ukiyo-e, which developed as a commercial printing method, focused on efficiency and profitability. And so, all processes are streamlined and sophisticated. We will introduce the basics of ukiyo-e techniques.